Felicia Low
Visual Art Portfolio, since 1999

A set of 4 installations at the void deck of Glouster Rd. In collaboration with Project Chilli Padi, W!ld Rice Theatre Company.

Installation at Singapore General Hospital at Arts Expressions Block. In collaboration with the Lightweight Club (premature babies support group), Singapore General Hospital.

In collaboration with The Necessary Stage, M1 Fringe Festival. Show of prison work made over workshops with Kaki Bukit Prison School inmates since 2005. The Substation Gallery.

Listening to the world around us (Sept 2006) Collaborative work with children from the Listen and Talk prog (hearing impaired dept of the Singapore General Hospital) and artist Lim Kok Boon. Installation of children’s work and artist drawings at SGH based on listening to the sounds of animals.

Collaborative work with 16 domestic workers at a women’s shelter. Display of 2 videos, 2 pieces of painting and 8 essays were made by the ladies based on what they felt was important to them at the Asian Civilizations Museum. Commissioned by the Singapore Drama Educators Association for Celebrate Drama.

The Unheard Voices of The Red Light District (June 2012) One year collaborative project with Project X, a volunteer group that helps sex workers in Singapore. Together with volunteers of Project X, a visual art installation was set up at the Substation. It consisted of a film by Dixie Chan, 4 ceramic pieces and a series of lightboxes.

Collaborative Comic Book with 3 young ladies previously from the Normal Technical Stream about love and life. Each character identifies as heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual respectively. Illustrated by Joy Ho, Colours by Xiao Yan.

A 3 month visual art project was carried out with 5 diabetes patients and one staff of the SGH on the topic of nocturnal hypoglycaemia. The aim of the project was to raise awareness of the condition so that patients will be encouraged to report incidences of nocturnal hypoglycaemia to their doctors. A series of chinese and acrylic paintings were set up and on public display between Nov 2014 – March 2015

Based on a feature of the neighbourhood at Ho Ching Road, a series of art sessions was held by artists Lee Pheng Guan and Felicia Low, with 15 seniors at the NTUC Silver Ace Senior Activity Centre at Taman Jurong. These art sessions encouraged residents to observe their surrounding pine trees and to learn a variety of painting techniques to paint pines around their neighbourhood.

Dr. Felicia Low worked with 14 participants from Institute A4 (for women) to create 5 art pieces which were displayed at the Yellow Ribbon Community Art Exhibition 2018. Titled Transitions: Crossroads & Choices, the art show was presented by the Singapore Art Museum at Raffles City Shopping Centre, from 22-30th September 2018.