Felicia Low
Visual Art Portfolio, since 1999

One day solo performance at Raffles City Shopping Centre. Balancing of 4 pints of water with a guppy in each glass for 7 hours.

Solo performance piece at group show, Head covered with clay with my body hidden inside a plinth. A comment on the Speakers Corner which had gone silent according to newspaper reports.

Independent performance workshop exploring experiential education with 30 children.

Independent interactive performance at the Heeren Shopping Centre exploring the desires, dreams and hopes of the shoppers. Presented by The Necessary Stage.

Workshop performance for 6 groups of people ranging from 8 to 65 years of age based on what is important to them, springing from an artwork about my family. Commissioned by the Singapore Art Museum for the President’s Young Talent Show 2009.

Commissioned by the Necessary Stage, Inclusively Yours is a collaborative project with 10 adults with Downs Syndrome (Ystars) and shops at Ion Orchard. The piece started off as a learning journey at the Ion where the 10 youth were brought to Topshop/Topman, 360 Market Place, Ion Art and Fish and Co to learn about fashion, food and design. The journey was photo-documented and displayed, together with writings by the Ystars at Basement 3, Ion Orchard for the M1 Arts Fringe Festival 2011.